Who can play Paradise Little League?
PLL is open to kids league age 4-15, who live or go to school in Paradise, Magalia, or Stirling City*. Unfortunately, if not enough players sign up in a given age group, we may not have a team for all divisions.
Paradise Little League offers the following Little League approved programs and places players according to their age and skill level:
Age 4-7 - Tee Ball/Farm; Coed
Age 8-15 - Baseball (AA/AAA Minors, Majors, Juniors); Coed, though most players are boys.
Age 8-15 - Softball (AA/AAA Minors, Majors, Juniors); Girls only.
Can my child play if they are disabled, neurodivergent, or require special accommodations?
We wish every kid could play ball with us, but since every child is unique, PLL recommends considering the following when deciding whether your child will be able to safely enjoy our program:
Physically, players must be able to stand, bend, walk, run, and move without assistance. They must be able to see and respond to fast-moving people and objects (including thrown and batted balls, swinging bats, and other players).
Players are required to be physically close to their teammates in the dugout and should expect some physical contact there and in the course of play.
Players should expect lots of loud noise.
Players must be able to tolerate required safety gear, such as a batting helmet.
While everyone plays equally in Tee Ball and Farm, Little League becomes progressively more competitive as players age. Play time, fielding positions, and batting order are at the discretion of the team manager and will be, at least in part, determined by player skill.
If you have any questions about whether PLL is appropriate for your player, please reach out to President@paradiselittleleague.org
The Little League Challenger Division is Little League's adaptive baseball program for individuals with physical and intellectual challenges. Unfortunately, PLL does not currently have the required volunteers to offer a Challenger Division. If you would like to take an active role in making this program available to Ridge kids, email President@paradiselittleleague.org.
Chico Challenger Baseball is happy to accept players from the Ridge. Follow them at https://www.facebook.com/groups/328421035912/ for more information.
How do I register my player? What do I need? How much does it cost?
For the 2025 Spring Season, registration is open from 11/1/24-1/12/25. Please complete your registration online before bringing the following to an in-person registration meeting:
Original/Certified Copy Birth Certificate
Registration Fees (or Financial Aid Application)
Age 4-7 $115​​​
Age 8-12 $135
Age 13+ $150
$100 Volunteer Deposit/Non-Volunteer Fee (PERSONAL CHECK ONLY)
What equipment does my player need?
PLL provides a team hat and shirt to all players. Families are responsible for providing the following:
- Pants, socks, and belt in colors to be determined by their team manager
- Rubber Cleats (metal spikes allowed in Juniors division and above)
- Batting helmet
- Glove
Although some families choose to purchase additional equipment like bats, PLL provides approved bats, balls, and catcher's gear to each team.
Is Financial Assistance Available?
Yes! PLL believes that all kids who want to play should get to play, regardless of their family's financial status. We offer flexible payment plans, partial and full registration scholarships as well as help providing new and gently used equipment for kids who need it. Get your Financial Aid Application here.
Our scholarships are funded entirely by community donations, so we ask that each family only take what they need and pay it forward by donating back to the League and/or volunteering when they can.
There are also several outside sources of possible financial assistance available. Please apply to these or others to help preserve our scholarship fund:
T-Mobile Call Up Grant - https://www.littleleague.org/call-up-grant-program/
Every Kid Sport - https://everykidsports.org/every-kid-sports-pass/apply/
All Kids Play - https://allkidsplay.org/youth-sports-grants/
These applications may require the following information:
League Name/ID: Paradise Little League /4054709
League Contact: Elizabeth Brewster
Contact Phone: 530-394-0343
Contact Email: registration@paradiselittleleague.org
Start Date: 3/1/25
End Date: 5/31/25
Length of Program: 12 weeks
Registration Due Date: 1/12/25
Players League Age 4-7 will be placed on a team based on their age and experience, no tryouts required.
Players League Age 7 may try out for AA Minors, however they will only be allowed to "play up" if:
At the discretion of the League, the player's skill is at or better than that of an average 8 year old; and​
There is space on a team after all 8 year olds have been drafted; and
The player is drafted by a AA manager.
Players League Age 8+ must attend at least one "tryout," aka Player Assessment. This helps us create fair and balanced teams and ensure players are placed in divisions that are appropriate for both their age and skill set.
Does my player have to try out?
Can I make teammate or coach requests?
In almost every case, the answer is no.
We get that it's fun to be teammates with your bff or cousin, or that transportation would be easier if your neighbor was your coach. Unfortunately, it is impossible to uphold our commitment to keeping our draft fair and our teams balanced while also allowing players to select their own teammates or coaches.
SIBLING EXCEPTION: Sibling teammate requests will be considered (not guaranteed) only IF, at the sole discretion of the League, each players' age and skill set qualify them for the same division. We will not "hold back" or "push up" any player to accommodate a sibling request.
If my player drops from the League, do I get a refund?
Players who drop prior to teams being formed will be refunded their full registration fees, minus the site processing fee.
Players who drop between team formation and the start of games will be refunded registration fees minus $50 and the site processing fees.
Players who drop after games start will not be refunded.
When and where are practices and games scheduled?
PLL's Spring season runs approximately late February to the end of May (as late as August for post-season tournaments). Games and practices are scheduled weekday evenings and all day Saturday. Some managers may also choose to practice on Sundays.
Teams meet 2-5 times per week for 1-2 hours (younger players generally less frequently and for shorter duration).
Practices are scheduled at facilities around the Ridge. Tee Ball and Farm play all games in Paradise. Competitive divisions may play neighboring leagues in California District 47, at home in Paradise or away.
Supplemental seasons (like Fall Ball) will operate based on the availability and willingness of the volunteers who support them.
What is the volunteer policy?
Families are required to volunteer two hours per player (four hours max per family). A $100 deposit per player (PERSONAL CHECK ONLY) will be collected at registration, to be destroyed upon completion of the required hours. Click here for more information on why we started this policy in 2023.
All volunteers who work directly with kids must submit a volunteer background check through JDP. Those who volunteer 16+ hours per month or 32+ hours per year must also complete a Live Scan background check per California law (AB 506).